Monthly Returns from Post

Fort Richardson, Texas

1866 – 1878


These bits of information give us an idea of what the Army troops stationed at Fort Richardson actually had to do. Many times, the Army was tasked with ‘pursuing and intercepting’ depredating Indians. Most of the time, ‘depredating Indians’ were wanted for stealing (either horses or other property).


June 30, 1866

Personnel: 71


Capt. George C. Gram.

2nd Lt. William A. Ruffert

1st Lt. Daniel Madden ­ absent on detached service


September 30, 1866

Personnel: 140


Record of Events.

During the month a detachment of 25 men composed of details from A & I Company’s under Lieut Lom. A. Ruffny were sent out on a scout to intercept and pursue a party of depredating Indians who had committed several murders near the post. Marched Sept. 18, 1866 to the little Wichita River near Red River and returned to camp.


November 30, 1866

Personnel: 389


Record of Events.

Companies “F” and “H” 6th U.S. Cavalry reported at the post Nov 23rd 1866, pursuant to special orders  No.____ dated Headquarters 6th U.S. Cav. Austin, Texas.


Co. “L” 6th U.S. Cav. reported at the post Nov. 30, 1866 pursuant to Special Orders No. ___ dated  Headquarters 6th U.S. Cavalry Austin, Texas.


February 1st 1864

Personnel: 610


Record of Events.

Three scouts have been made from this post during the month for the purpose of apprehending party charged  with the murder of Union man.


March 7, 1868


Record of Events.

Detachment sent of Camp Colorado Feby 19, 67 to investigate reports of Indian depredation. Still absent.


Detachment sent 24 Feby 1867 to Rock Creek in pursuit of Indians reported to have murdered 3 citizens in that vicinity, Not yet returned.


March 31, 1868

Personnel: 579


Record of Events.

Company “D” 6th Cav Lt. Tolman, comdg marched for Sherman, Texas, March 1st, 69 to garrison that town in obedience to S.O. No. 24, from Head Qrs of the regt dated February 9, 1868.


Bvt. Major G. C. Cram, with detachment of 40 privates left post March 20, 64 on a scout and tour of observation along the north-western frontier of the state.


Snow fall March 4th, from 4 to 5 inches deep.

Good sleighing March 5. Snow fell March 15th and March 29th, 30, about 1 inch in depth.


The month has been cold; part of the time the thermometer supposed to be below zero.


May 31, 1868

Personnel: 561

Civilian Employees at Post. Quartermaster Department


One (1) agent

Two (2) clerks

Forty-three (43) mechanics

Six (6) quarrymen

Seventeen (17) teamsters

Twenty-three (23) laborers


Record of Events

Two scouts were sent out on 3rd May, against depredating Indians, one under Capt. D. Abadden, the other under Lt. Abanck, 6th Cavalry, they were absent fifteen and twelve days respectively, but accomplished nothing.


Co. H. & U 6th U.S. Cavalry/ Lt. Wilcox Comdg./ joined post from Mt. Pleasant, Texas, May 12, 1868 per apr 1 S.O. No. 36. H. Q. Dist, Texas, dated Austin, Texas, Feb 25, 1868.


Co. D 14th U.S. Infantry / Capt W. B. Pease, Bvt Lt. Co. U.S.A. Comdg/ joined fort from Houston, Texas, May 22, 1868 per par 6 S.O. No. 40. H.Q. Dist. Texas dated Austin, Texas, Mah 4, 1868.


June 30, 1868

Personnel: 561


Civilian Employees at Post. Quartermaster Department


One (1) agent

Two (2) clerks

Forty-three (43) mechanics

Six (6) quarrymen

Seventeen (17) teamsters

Twenty-three (23) laborers

Record of Events.


A scout was sent out against depredating Indians

June 2nd, 1868, under 1st Lieut G. M. Talman

6th Cavalry; not yet returned.


1 Lieut James F. Miller, 6th Cav with a detachment of twenty enlisted men, left fort for Fort Worth June 17, 1868 in accordance with Letter of instructions from M. 2 District of Texas dated Austin, Texas June 3rd, 1868. To be absent 30 days.


August 31, 1868

Personnel: 482


Record of Events.

Company H. 6th Cav. (67 aggregate) left the post August 1, 1868, for Sulphur Springs, Tex, Letter of instructions from H. Q. district of Tex. dated June 18, 1868.


A detachment of fifty enlisted men (Capt. Maddeu & Lt. Borthwick) left post Aug. 28, 1868 on scout after Indians, not yet returned.


February 28, 1869

Personnel: 278


Record of Events.

1st Scout W. A. Boithrovick 6 Cav left this post for Montague, Montague Co, Tex. Febr 10, 1869 with a detail of 1 non com officer & 6 privates to arrest Wm. Taylor Jr. for the alleged murder of his father Wm. Taylor, Sr. per S.O. No 20 dated Hdqrs Fort Richardson, Texas, Feby 9th, 1869. Arrested said Wm. Taylor, Jr. and returned to this post Feby 14, 1869.


Company “E” 6th Cavalry 950 aggregate) marched for Waco, Texas the 15 inst. in obedience to S.O. No. 13 par IX H’dqrs 5 Mil Dist, dated Austin, Texas, Jan 16, 1869. 2nd Lieut James U. Sands 6th Cavlary, Commanding.


Company “F” 6 Cavalry (39 aggregate) marched for Jefferson, Texas, the 16th inst. in obediance to S.O. No. 13 par IX Hdqrs 5th Mil Dist, dated Austin, Texas, January 16th, 1869. 2nd Lieut Summer H. Bodfish, Commanding.


May 4th, 1869

Personnel: 154


Record of Events.


1st Lieut. Isaac N. Walter 6th Cavy with a detail of 10 enlisted men of 6 Cav’y sent out in pursuit of Indians per S.O. 61 Hdqrs Fort Richardson, Texas. April 25th, 1869 left post April 26th 1869.


June 2nd, 1869

Personnel: 161


Record of Events.


2nd Lieut G. E. Overlord with a citizen company consisting of 1 capt and 13 enrolled men organized in compliance with General Order 75 c.s. Hdqr 5 Military District sent out in pursuit of Indians per S.O. 79 Hqs Ft. Richardson, Texas, May 24, 1869 Left post May 4, 1869.


July 1, 1970

Personnel: 412


Record of Events.


Bvt Maj. T. C. Tupper with the effective strength of his Co. C 6th Cavalry, left this post June 1, 1870 to move along the cattle route for the protection of cattle drives and to scout the country on return ­ per S.O. 5 Hdqrs Sub Dist of the Brazos, May 25, 70.


Capt John A. Jones [?] with the effective strength of his Co D 6th Cav’y left this post June 20, 70 (to perform similar duty to that required of Bvt. Maj. T. C. Tapper 6th Cavy with his command) per S.O. 7 Hdqrs Sub Dist of the Brazos, June 18, 70.


The above troops were sent out in compliance with and to carry out the requirements of General Orders No. 33, Hdqrs 5th M. Dist, … 1870.


June 3rd, 1870 1st Lieut J. W. Walter, 6th Cavalry returned to this post with a detachment which numbered 20 enlisted men on leaving this post May 23, 1870 for scouting purposes. 2nd Lt. Lummer [?] H. Bodfish Adjt. 6 Cavy, Professor Rowter [?] of the Geological Dept of the Interior at Washington and 5 other citizens accompanied this expedition for exploring purposes. They were attacked by about 40 Indians who succeeded in killing 3 of the citizens, scalping one, one soldier was also killed. The Indians were however foiled in their attempt to capture the wagons & mules and were finally beaten off.


Bvt. Maj. C. B. McLellan with scouting party consisting of Bvt. Capt C. K. Campbell 27 enlisted men of Co. K and L 6th Cav’y and 5 Tonkawa Indian Scouts, absent since May 4, 70 returned to the post June 11, 70 after a scout of 600 miles without encountering any Indians.


Lieut. Adam Kramer with 18 enlisted men left post June 2,70 and returned June 13, 70 after an unsuccessful scout in pursuit of the Indians who attacked the overland Mail Stage, at Salt Creek on the 31st May, killing and scalping the driver.


Capt Daniel Madden 6th Cav’y with Lieut K. P. Rominc and E. W. Bradger 46 enlisted men and the post guide and A. A. Surgeon [?] Rufus Choto [?], left this post on the 23rd June in pursuit of Indians and have not yet returned.


Lieut. E. C. Kautig 6th Cav’y with 11 enlisted men 6th Cav’y left post in pursuit of Indians June 27, 70 and has not returned.


These scouts have been rendered necessary by the increasing boldness manifested by the Indians in their late depredations and acts of violence near this post.


August 1, 1870

Personnel: 451


Record of Events.


Company “I” 24 Infantry consisting of 2 officers and 31 [?] enlisted men left post July 7th 1870 per G.O. No. 5 Dept Texas, April 19, 1870.


Company “K” 11th Infantry consisting of 3 officers and 53 enlisted men joined this post ­ July 6, 1870 per G.O. No. 5 Dept of Texas, April 19, 1870.


Company “I” 6th Cav consisting of 2 officers and 49 enlisted men joined this post July 12, 70 per S.O. 45 Dept of Texas June 21, 1870.


Bvt Major C. B. Mc..ellau Capt. 6 Cav with a detachment of 2 ….. officers 1 A. A. Surgeon and 53 enlisted men of Cos A, B, D, H, K, and L 6 Cav left post July 7, 1870 on Indian scout and on the 12 July at the north fork Little Wichita River, Texas had an encounter with Indians resulting in the killing of 2 enlisted men, wounding one A. A. surgeon and ten enlisted men. Indians 13 killed and a large number wounded. Rejoined post July 16, 1870. Distance marched 200 miles.


Lieut and Adjt S. H. Badfish 6 Cavalry with a detachment of 10 enlisted men of companies A and B 6 Cavalry left post July 12, 1870 on an Indian scout ­ found none and returned to post July 16/70, distance marched 97 _ miles.


1 Sergt [?] Geo. W. Dixon with 2 segts, 4 corpls, 4 privates, 1 saddler and 2 trumpeters Co. C. 6th Cavalry left post July 23, 1870 on an Indian scout.


November 1, 1870

Personnel: 696


Record of Events.


Capt H. A. Raffaty, 6th Cav with 20 enlisted men of his Co. “M” 6th Cavalry the post guide and 5 Tonkaway Indians returned from scout Oct 7/70. Captured 18 horses. Killed 2 Indians and wounded one.


Capt D. Maddey ­ Lieut Pesine and 30 enlisted men Co “L” 6th Cavalry and A. A. Surgeon Rufus Choats U.S.A. returned to post from Indian scoutOct 18/70 after traveling 285 miles, no Indians found.


Capt. C. B. McDellan Lieut C. H. Campbell and 28 enlisted men Co “L” 6th Cavalry, A.A. Surgeon C. E. Warren U.S.A. and one Tonkaway scout left post on an Indian scout Oct 1/70. Returning on the 13th October 1870 after marching 225 miles. Found no Indians.


1 Lieut W. A. Bosthraick C Co. in command of 25 enlisted men Co “H” 6th Cavalry, post guide and A.A. Surgeon H.S. Turwill U.S.A. left post Oct 9/70 on an Indian scout returning on 21 October 18/70. Found no Indians.


April 5, 1871

Personnel: 459


Record of Events.


Headquarters and detachment 6th Cavalry, consisting of Field and Staff, non-commissioned staff, band and companies “E”, “G”, “H”, “I”, “K” and “U” on March 20th inst left post for Fort Sill I.T. pursuant to S.O. 47 par 11, Hdqrs Dept of Texas, March 6th 1871.


Company “F” 4th Cavalry, joined post March 31, 1871.


Captain W. A. Rafforty 6th Cavly, with the effective strength of Companies K and U 4th Cavalry, left post February 28th on an Indian scout per S.O. No 48 c.s. from these Hdqrs, returned March 5th, distanced marched 86 miles, no Indians seen.


No reports of Indian raids or depredations by them committed having been received and the from condition of the horses on account of the scarcity of …… forage, scouting parties were not sent out from the post during the month.


June 30, 1871

Personnel: 479


Civilians Employed at Post Quartermaster Department

One clerk at $125 per month $125.00

Two blacksmiths at $75 per month $150.00

One wheelwright at $75 per month $75.00

One guide at $75 per month $75.00

Aggregate monthly compensation $425.00


Record of Events.


On the 2nd inst the escort consisting of 1 C.O. & all the available men of C. C… L … reported on last return as guard for train to Fort Sill I.T. returned, Companies B and L 1st [?] Cav were relieved from duty at this post and resumed their march to Fort Sill I.T. on the 3rd inst. An escort of 1 C.O. & all the available men of Co C Inf was sent to guard the wagons trains furnished from this post on their return. The escorts and wagons returned on the 4th inst. On the 7th Paymaster H. P. Gould U.S.A. arrived at post with escort & paid troops to include April 30th. Left post on the 9th inst. with an escort of 4 non comm officers and 16 privates . The escort returned on the 15th inst. On the 10th inst the scouting party of 1 C.O. and 25 men reported on last return ­ returned having killed one Indian. The detachment reported on the last return as absent with prisoners to Austin, Texas returned on the 10th inst. Col. R. S. Mactenzies, command returned on the 14th inst having had no engagements while absent but received from Comdg Officer Fort Sill I.T. three Indian prisoners. Satank, Satanta and Big Tree who were charged with the murder of seven (7) men near this post on the 18 last. The former was killed by the guard while enroute and the others were brought to this post where they continue in confinement awaiting trial by the civil authorities. On the 20th inst one non com officer and 9 privates left post as escort for Capt …. J. Edward … ………….. Texas, not yet returned. On the 25th inst Scout T. H. Bocham 4th Cav with 3 men left post in search of deserters. Not yet returned.


In addition to the above, several minor details were sent out in search of trails and in pursuit of deserters.


Companies B and I 11th Infantry, arrived at post from Jefferson Texas June 30th per So 58 c.s. Hdqrs Dept of Texas.


October 31, 1871

Personnel: 659


Civilians employed at post. Quartermaster Department.


One clerk @ $125 per month $125.00

One wheelwright @ $75 per month $75.00

Four blacksmiths @ $75 per month $300.00

One c…… @ $75 per month $75.00

One carpenter @ $75 per month $75.00



Record of Events.


2 N.C.O. and 25 pvts absent since Sept 16th with Board of Officers purchasing horses for the 4th Cavalry rejoined post on the 15th: Major David, Asst I. Genl rejoined post from Fort Griffin on the 2nd and left for his proper station on the 10th with an escort of 1 corpl and 4 pvts who returned on the 11th. 1 Sergt & 4 pvts left post on 2nd as guard at camp hay contractor, -- still absent: 2 pvts cavly left post on the 14th as escort for Mr. Otis, Depty Coll & Intch Rev.. and returned on the 17th. Capt. G. Chipman with his Co. D, 11th Infantry left post on the 16th as guard over two Indian prisoners, Santanta and Big Tree to State Penitentiary at Huntsville, Texas ­ still absent: 1 corpl and 2 pvts left post on the 16th to meet an ox train laden with 2 mons stores for this post, at Weatherford and act as escort, -- returned on the 21st: 1 sergt and 4 pvts left post on the 21st as escort for a corn train to Fort Griffin, -- still absent: 2 N.C.O. and 10 privates left post on the 27th for Beamand, Texas, there to meet and escort to this post Paymaster Gonld, U.S.A. ­ still absent: 1 comisnd officer and 4 privates left this post on the 28 as escort for a train of wagons proceeding to ….eale Station for lumber for building purposes, rejoined on 31st.


In addition to the foregoing, various small details for different purposes have been furnished, while the few troops available at the post have been constantly employed on the ordinary garrison duty. ­ building stalls and erecting houses for the temporary shelter of the troops during the coming winter.


April 30, 1872

Personnel: 642


Record of Events.


April 1st. Sergt and 6 privates left post in pursuit of deserters, returned on the 10th.


April 3rd. Lt. L. A. Matile, 11th Infy with an escort of 10 enlisted men joined post from detached service. Same date, Col Mackenzie 4th Cavalry, Major Douglas 11 Infy, Major Mizner 4th Cavalry, Capt Sanderson, 11th Infy, Capt Russell 9th Infy with an escort of 1 com officer and 20 enlisted men joined post from D. S. at Fort Sill I.T. Capt. Russell, A. A. I. G. inspected the post on the 5th, 6th, and 7th instant and the troops on the 10th instant. April 15th. Capt Russell 9th Infy with Major Douglas 11th Infy and an escort of 2 N.C.O. and 16 privates left post for Fort Griffin, Texas, escort returned on the 22nd. April 4th. Capt Heyle 4th Cavalry and his Company “H” left post on scout after hostile Indians, returned on the 14th, and left again on the 14th, still absent. April 4th. Lt. White, 4th Cavly with an escort of 14 enlisted men returned from pursuit of deserters and horse thieves.


April 13th. Capt Wilcox with his company “C” 4th U.S. Cav left post,. Still absent. April 16th. Major Hammond, Surg U.S.A. left post for San Antonio, Texas with an escort of 2 N.C.O. and 6 escort still absent. Same date. Lt. Warrington, 4th Cavalry with 15 enlisted men left in search of stray horses, returned on the 19th. Same date. Lt. Mansfield, 11th Infy with an escort of 4 enlisted men joined post from Ft ……. Same date. Capt Mauck 4th Cavly with C, A, and B 4th Cavalry left post on escort……. April 18th Capt Jackson, 11th Infy and his Co “K” left post for Corsicana.., Texas as escort to paymaster, still absent. April 20th Lt. Washington, 4th Cavlry and ….. left post on scout, returned on the 25th. Apl 24th Lt. Roe, 11 Infy ….. left post for Coraciana, Texas for lumber. Beside the above several small …. Left the post and returned, and several scouting parties kept up continued ….. the post by ….. of small parties.


May 31, 1872

Personnel: 629


Record of Events.


May 1. Capt Heyl and his Co. K 4th Cavalry joined post from scout after Indians.


May 2. Capt. Wilcox and his Co. C 4 Cavly joined post from scout after hostile Indians.


May 4. Capt Webb and his Co E 4 Cavy joined post from pursuit after cattle thieves.


Same date Lt White of 4 Cavalry with an escort of 1 N.C.O. and 10 privates left post guarding prisoners to Denton, Texas. Returned on the 6th.


May 5th. Capt Manck with Cos A and B 4 Cavalry joind post from scout after Indians.


May 7th. Capt Gunther 4th Cavalry with an escort of 1 N.C.O. and 3 privates joined post today.


Same date. Lt. Matilo 11th Infantry with a detail of 1 N.C.O. and 8 privates left post for the purpose of procuring wood for a flag staff, returned on the 31st.


May 8th. Capt Webb and Co E and L 4th Cavalry left post on scout after hostile Indians, returned on the 19th.


May 9th. Capt Gunter and Lt. Troken bound purchasing horses for the 4th Cavalry with a detail of 3 N.C.O. and 16 privates left post, returned on the 30th.


May 12. Capt Wilcox with his Co L 4th Cavalry left post on scout after Indians, returned on the 17th.


Same date Capt Manck with his Co B 4th Cavlry left on scout and returned on the 19th.


May 11th. Major I. W. Michaels, Paymaster U.S.A. with escort joined post from Fort Sill, I. T. paid troops on the 12th. Left for Fort Griffin, Texas on the 13th rejoined post on the 19th and left for C………. Texas on the 20th. Capt Jackson and his Co. K 11th Infantry furnishing the escort. Escort still absent.


May 15. Colonel MacKinzie 4th Cavalry left post for San Antonio, Texas, still absent.


May 14th. Lt. Thompson and his Co. A 4th Cavalry left post on scout, returned on the 17th.


May 16th. Lt. McKinney 4th Cavalry with N.C.O. and 10 privates left post in pursuit of small bands of Indians, returned on the 20th.


Same date. Lieut. Ros’s detail (11th Infy returned from C….a Texas, ….. Lt. .. ….. at ….. C…..a.


May 19th. Major H…….and’s detail returned from Houston, Texas. Same date Capt Hayl and Cos A and H 4th Cavalry left post on scout, returned on the 26th.


May 21. Lt. G. Carter 4th Cavalry with a detail of 1 N.C. O. and 4 privates left post today for Tyler, Texas having been commanded to appear before the Civil Court, still absent May 25th Capt Wilcox with his Co “C” 4th Cavalry left post on scout after Indians, returned on the 27th. Besides the above, various small details have been furnished and continual escorts have been passing to and from the companies in the field and the garrison.


August 31, 1872

Personnel: 677

Record of Events


August 8th. Capt Webb 4th Cavalry with his Company E proceeded on scout in search of hostile Indians and returned on the 24th.


August 9th. Captain Wilcox 4th Cavalry with his Company C proceeded on scout in pursuit of hostile Indians and returned on the 21st.


August 10th. Capt Bowen with one non commissioned officer and 4 privates returned from escort duty with T. T. R.R. Party, same date Captain Sanderson 11 Inftry and his Company C returned from escorting paymaster to Dallas, Texas, same date Major J. Kellizner 4th Cavalry returned from absent with leave.


August 17. Lieut Roe 11th Infantry and his Company D [?] proceeded to Dallas, Texas as escort to paymaster and have not yet returned.


August 19th. Captain Larson 25 Infantry with Comp C and D 25th Infantry joined post enroute to Fort Gibson, I.T. left on the 21st.


August 23rd. Lieut. Carter 4th Cavalry with two non commissioned officers and 4 privates returned from detached service escorting military prisoners to Baton Rouge Penitentiary, LA. Besides the above numerous small details have been furnished, the command has remained at the post performing regular garrison duty.


March 31, 1873

Personnel: 735


Record of Events.

March 4. Companies A. B. C. E. and H. 4th Cavalry, Major Alfred E. Latimers 4th Cav commanding, left post for Fort Concho, TEX, in compliance with S.O. 16 cs. Dept of Texas. Lieut. C. R. Ward, 10 Cav reported on last return as awaiting transportation to proceed to Fort Griffin, Tex and relieve Lieut. Sage, 11th Infty, in chage of escort to R.R. surveying party under Mr. Hodges ­ left post with Major Latimers comd.


March 6. Sergt P. Hains Comp “L” 10 Cav with six prvts cav, fully armed & equipped & furnished with 6 days rations left post for Fort Griffin, Texas, as escort to contractors train, returned March 14, 73, - S.O. 52 cs. Post.


March 9. 2nd Lieut. F. P. Reap, 10 Cav with 11 enlisted men cavalry fully armed & equipped ­ mounted ­ left post for the Kenche Valley, Palo Pinto Co. Texas to investigate the circumsatances attending the killing of a citizen at that place by Indians, Lieut. Reap and detail returned March 13, S.O. 35 cs. Post.


March 9. Sergt Alex Williams Co “L” 10 Cav. With six privates cavalry fully armed and equipped, mounted, left post for Decatur, Texas as escort to contractors train from that place to Fort Richardson, Tex. Returned March 13, 73. S.O. 56 cs. Post. March 12. Sergt E. Townsend, Comp “L” 10 Cav with eight privates cavalry, fully mounted and equipped, dismounted, left post for Fort Griffin, Tex. as escort to contractors train. Returned Mar 20. S.O. 58 cs. Post. March 13. 2nd Lieut. G. H. Lodard 10 Cav, with one N.C.O. and four privates 11th Infty, fully armed and equipped, left post for Fort Griffin, Tex. as escort to Major John P. Hact.. [?] 4th U.S. Cav., Returned Mar 17; S.O. 59 cs. Post. March 13. Sergt R. Jackson, Co. “I” 10 Cavalry with four privates cavalry, fully armed and equipped, dismounted, left post for Fort Griffin, Tex as escort to contractors train, returned Mar 20. S.O. 59 cs. Post.


March 16. Capt T. A. Baldwin 10 Cav with six enlisted men, Co “I” 10 Cav, fully armed and equipped, mounted, left post in pursuit of an escaped prisoner and the sentinel who deserted with him. Capt. Baldwin with detail returned unsuccessful, March 18, 73. S.O. 61, cs. Post. March 17. Sergt I. Washington, Co. “I” 10 Cav, with 6 privates cav., fully armed and equipped, dismounted left post for Fort Griffin, Tex as escort to contractors train. Returned Mar 24, 73. S.O. 61 cs. Post.


March 17. Major P. L. G. Hall, P.M. U.S.A. arrived post, paid troops on 18 & 19 and left for for Fort Griffin, Texas, March 10, 73. S.O. 61 cs. Post.


March 22. Capt William Johnson Co. “E” 10 Cav with four privates cav., fully armed and equipped, dismounted, left post for Fort Griffin, Tex, as escort to contractors trains. Returned Mar 28, 73. S.O. 65 cs. Post. No scouting parties have been sent out during the month for the reason that the strength of the garrison has been entirely inadequate for the performance of the duties required of it. The infantry companies ,


June 30, 1873

Personnel: 392


Record of Events.

2nd. Second Lieut L. Myer, 11th Infantry with one N.C. Officer and two privates cavalry, fully armed and equipped furnished with ten days rations left post for fort Worth, Texas to investigate a claim of Mr. W. Handerfed for certain property alleged to have been stolen by Indians. Lieutenant Myer with detail returned June 7, 73. S.O. 110 c.s. Post.


4th. Corpl Joseph Kasshimer, Co. B 11 Inf with five privates Infantry, fully armed and furnished with five days rations left post and proceeded two days march on the San Antonio road as escort to public train enrute for that post. Returned June 7, 73. S.O. 112 c.s. Post.


6th. Corpl Harry King, Co. “B” 11th Inf. With one private Comp “I” 11 Inf left post for Dallas, Texas, as escort to Maj. Judd, P.M. U.S.A. Escort was fully armed and furnished with five days rations. Returned June 12, 73. S.O. 114 c.s. Post.


9th. Sergt W. Haibel, Co. “B”, 11 Inf, with eight privates infantry, left post for Fort Griffin, Texas as escort to contractors trains laden with stores for that place. Escort was fully armed and furnished with 6 days rations. Returned June 18, 73, S.O. 117 c.s. Post.


11th. 1st Lieut F. C. Lebo, 11 Cavalry, with two non-com officers and eight privates cavalry fully armed and equipped, mounted and furnished with rations to include the 22 instant, left post in pursuit of hostile Indians, reported to have driven of a number of horses from the place of Mr. L. Graham, Young Co, Texas. Returned unsuccessful June 18, 73. S.O. 119 c.s. Post.


14th. 1st Lieut I. T. Harrison, 10th Cav, with a scouting party, consisting of 2 Lieut G. H. Evan, 10 Cav and as many of his company as he had serviceable horses, left post in search of hostile Indians. Lieut Harrison was ordered to proceed to Montague, scout the county from that point west to the western boundary of Hardeman County, on Pease River, hence scout to Big Wichita River ­ thence east to Fort Richardson, Texas, - Detachment was fully armed and furnished with rations to include July 3, 73. A. A. Surgeon I. T. Wolf, U.S.A. and Mr. Henry M. Vanderbury, post guide accompanied Lieut. Morrison command. Still absent. S.O. 120 c.s. Post.


18th. Sergt Williams Delany, Comp “I” 11th Infantry, with nine privates infantry, fully armed and furnished with 8 days rations left post for Fort Griffin, Texas, as escort to contractors trains laden with government stores for that place. Returned June 26, 73, S.O. 123, c.s. Post.


19th. Five privates Comp H, 11th infantry, fully armed and equipped, furnished with rations to include July 13, 73 proceeded as escort to 1st Lieut W. N. Sage, 11th Infantry ordered to Greenville, Texas as witness before the District Court at that place. Still absent. S.O. 124 c.s. Post.


23rd. Sargt W. H. Fagg, Company “I” 11th Infantry with six privates infantry fully armed and furnished with rations to include June 30, 73 left post for Fort Griffin, Texas as escort to contractors train laden with




July 31, 1873

Personnel: 447


Record of Events.


July 1873. 14. 2nd Lt. C. R. Ward, 10 Cav, with one non com off. and 6 privates left post in pursuit of a deserter. Lt. Ward and detail returned same day unsuccessful. S. O. 141, c.s. Post.


15. 2nd Lt. F. P. Reap, 10 Cav, with one non comm officer and six (6) privates cavalry, mounted, left post in pursuit of deserters. Escort was fully armed and furnished with 6 days rations. Lieut. Reap with detail returned July 18th 73 successful. S.O. 141 c.s. Post.


17. Sergt A. L. Dale, Co. B, 11 Ifty with 8 privates infantry, left post for Ft. Griffins, Tex. as escort to contractor’s trains, laden with stores for that post. Escort was fully armed and furnished with eight days rations. Returned July 20th 73. S.O. 142, c.s. Post.


18. Capt Thomas Little, 10 Cav. With a scouting party consisting of 2nd Lit. C. R. Ward, 10 Cav. and all the available enlisted men of his Co. (L), left post in search of hostile Indians. Capt Little was ordered to scout the county west to Fort Belknap, thence up the Brazos to Hin…at Peak, north to the Big Wichita, down the Big Wichita to its mouth and thence south to Ft. Richardson, Tex. Detachment was fully armed and furnished with rations to include Aug. 6, 1873. A. A. Surgeon R. W. Dorsey, U.S.A., Mr. Henry Vanderberg, post guide, and the post tracker, accompanied Capt. Little’s command. Still absent. S.O. 142 c.s. Post.


18. Sargt. A. Blis… Co D, 11 Inf, with 6 privates infantry left post for Ft. Griffin, Tex. as escort to contractor’s train laden with stores for that post. Escort was fully armed & furnished with 6 days rations. Returned July 26, 73. S.O. 143 c.s. Post.


19. Major D. B. McHibbinas 10 Cav, with 3 non com officers and 22 privates Cav. left post for Denison, Tex. for the purpose of escorting to this post horses for Co’s of 10 Cavalry. Escort was fully armed, furnished with one complete set of horse equipment and 12 days rations per man. Still absent. S.O. 143 c.s. Post.


29. Sergeant Robert Walsh Co. B 11 Ifty with 8 privates infantry, left post for the camp of the escort to surveying party, T. & P. R.R. near Salt Creek, Tex. for the purpose of taking out Springfield B. L. rifle muskets to replace experimental arms in the hands of men of the escort. Escort was fully armed & furnished with 4 days rations. Still absent. S. O. 149 c.s. Post.


29. 2nd Lt. J. W. Hansfield 11 Infty with one non com officer and 5 privates cav. mounted, left post in pursuit of deserters. Escort was fully armed & furnished with 6 days rations. Still absent. S.O. 150 c.s. Post.


31. Sergt W. Waibel, Co. B, 11 Infantry with 5 privates infantry, left post for Ft. Griffin, Tex. as escort to contractor’s train laden with stores for that post. Escort was fully armed & furnished with 8 days rations. Still absent. S.O. 150 c.s. Post.


The scouting party in charge of 1st Lt. J. T. Morrison 10 Cav. reported on last return as still

absent, rejoined post July 3, 73.


Escort with 1st Lt. W. N. Sage 11th Ifty to Greenville Tex. rejoined post July 3, 73.


Escort in charge of Sargt J. Beglay Co I, 11 Ifty, reported on last return as absent at Ft. Griffin,

Tex rejoined post July 3, 73.


Escort in charge of Sargt … R. F… Co. I, 11 Ifty, reported on last return as absent at Ft.

Griffin, Tex. rejoined post July 5, 73.


Escort in charge of 1st Lt. C. J. T…., 11 Ifty on duty with the O’Neiles surveying party still

absent as reported on previous returns.


Major E. D. Judd, paymaster U.S.A., arrived at post on the evening of the 26th, paid command

on 8th, and left for Fort Griffin, Tex. on July 30, 73.


August 31, 1873

Personnel: 443.


Record of Events


August 3. 2nd Lieut. Geo. H. Evans, 10 Cavalry with one non commissioned officer and 9

privates cavalry, fully armed and equipped, let post for Fort Concho, Texas for the prupose of conducting horses to the companies of 10 Cavalry stationed at that post.


The escort was furnished with one complete set of horse equipment and 100 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include the 8th incl. S. O. 154 par 1 c.s. Post. Rejoined post August 30, 1873.


Corporal Andrew Briggs, Company D, 11 Infantry, with 3 privates infantry, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 60 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include the 8th incl left post for Fort Griffin, Texas, as escort to a spring wagon en route to that post. Rejoined post August 10, 1873. S.O. 154 par 3 c.s. Post.


Captain T. A. Baldwin, 10 Cavalry, with all the available officers and enlisted men of companies E and I 10 Cavalry left post in pursuit of a party of hostile Indians reported to have been seen near Salt Creek, Texas.


The command was mounted, fully armed and equipped and furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include the 19 incl. Rejoined post August 6, 1873 S.O. 154 par 4 c.s. Post. Report forwarded Aug 12, 1873.


August 11. The Board of Officers, consisting of Colonel W. H. Woods, 11 Infantry, Lieut Col. Geo. P. Buell, 11 Infantry, and Assistant Surgeon W. H. Foxwood U.S.A. were ordered to assemble at Fort Griffin, Texas on the 16 inst. The members of the Board belonging to this post left for Fort Griffin, Aug 13, 1873 and rejoined post August 26, 1873. S.O. 159 par 1 c.s. Post.


Captain Thomas Little, 10 Cavalry, with his company (L) was detailed as escort to the Board. The escort was mounted, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include the 17 inst. Rejoined post Aug. 27, 1873. S.O. 159 par 2 c.s. Post.


August 15. In compliance with instructions from Headqrs Dept of Texas, Capt T. A. Baldwin, 10 Cavalry, with all the available officers and enlisted men of companies E and I 10 Cavalry mounted, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include September 8, 1873 left post for Gilberts Ranches, Texas, with instructions to report to Lieut. Col. J. M. Davidson, 10 Cavalry, for duty under his command. Still absent. S. O. 157 par 2 and S.O. 158 par 1 c.s. Post.


August 19. One private, Company K 11 Infantry and one private Co. E 10 Cavalry, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 60 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include the 26th inst, left post for Fort Griffin, Texas, as escort to contractors train, laden with stores for that post. Rejoined post Aug. 30, 1873. S.O. 162 par 1 c.s. Post.


August 21. Corporal John Dullon, Company I 10 Cavalry, with 4 privates cavalry, mounted fully armed equipped, furnished with 60 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include the 26 inst left post in pursuit of hostile Indians. Returned Aug 26, 1873 unsuccessful. S.O. 164 par 1 c.s. Post.


August 28. Sergeant F…… ……………… …… privates infantry fully armed and equipped, furnished with 60 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include September 21, 1873 left post for Fort Griffin, Texas, as escort to contractors train, laden with stores for that post. Still absent. S.O. 17 par 1 c.s. Post.


The scouting party under command of Captain Thomas Little, 10 Cavalry, reported on last report as still absent, rejoined post August 6, 1873.


The escort under command of Major D. B. M…ibbin, 10 Cavalry, reported on last report as still absent, rejoined post August 2, 1873.


The detail under command of 2 Lieut T. W. Mansfield, 11 Infantry, reported on last report as still absent, rejoined post August 5, 1873.


The escort under charge of Sergeant Robert Walsh, Company B, 11, Infantry reported on last report as still absent rejoined post August 5, 1873.


The escort under charge of Sergeant W. Waibel, Company B 11 Infantry, reported on last report as still absent, rejoined post August 13, 1873.


The escort under charge of 1st Lieut. C. F. Toe 11 Infantry, on duty with M. ONeils surveying party still absent as reported on previous reports.


September 30, 1873

Personnel: 424


Record of Events


September 1. Corporal Joel Dunkel, Comp B 11th Infantry with 6 privates infantry, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 60 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include Septbr 6, 73 left post for Fort Griffin, Texas as escort to contractors train. S.O. 175 par 1 c.s. Post. Rejoined post Septbr 9, 1873.


September 3. Captain Thomas Little and 2nd Lieut C. R. Ward 10th U.S. Cavalry with all the available men of Company L 10th Cavy mounted, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition per man and 10 days rations left post in pursuit of hostile Indians. S. O. 176 par 1 c.s. Post. Rejoined post September 10th, 1873 unsuccessful.


September 6. 2nd Lieut. George H. Evans, 10th Cavy, with 2 non commissioned officers and 10 privates cavalry mounted fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition per man and 10 days rations left post for Lost Valley, Texas, for the purpose of establishing a lookout on “Spy Knob”; to overlook the surrounding country and if possible Salt Creek Prairie to protect the camps, ranches and cattle herds of the people lately settled in Lost Valley, and if any Indians should be seen to pursue them. S. O. 179 c.s. Post. Rejoined post September 16, 1873 not having seen any Indians.


September 11th. Captain Joseph Conrad, with his company detailed by S. O. 178 c.s. Post as escort to Engineer Corps of Fort Worth and Denver R. R. was directed to leave this post in time to reach Decatur, Texas, September 16, 1873, left post September 15, 1873. Command was furnished rations with 60 days supplies and 150 rounds of ammunition per man. Act. Asst. Surgeon R. M. Donsey was detailed for duty with the command. S.O. 182 par 1 and 2 c.s. Post. Still absent. The Commanding Officer Company I, 11th Infantry was directed to detail 5 privates and the Commanding Officer of Company K 11th Infantry 4 privates for duty with Company B, 11th Infantry, S.O. 182 par 3. C.s. Post.


September 12. Corporal James Beady, Company D, 11th Infantry with 6 privates infantry, fully armed and equipped furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition per man and 3 days rations, left post for Fort Griffin, Texas, as escort to Captains Chapman [?] and Jackson, 11th Infantry detailed for Court Martial duty at that post. S.O. 183 par 1 c.s. Post. Rejoined post September 18, 1873.


September 13. Information having been received that two citizens were killed by Indians on Little Salt Creek, Texas, Captain Thomas Little and 2nd Lieut. C. R. Ward, 10th Cavalry with all the available enlisted men of Company L 10th Cavalry mounted, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition per man and 6 days rations left post in pursuit of the Indians.


Captain Little was ordered to investigate the affair and sent the bodies of those killed into the post if they were residents of Jacksboro. The bodies of the men killed (Mr. Howell H. Walker, aged 50 and son Henry Walker, aged 13) were brought into the post the following day ­ September 14 by a detail consisting of Corporal James Murphy Company K, 11th Infantry and 4 privates infantry sent …. Captain Little’s Command for that purpose. Captain Little’s Command returned September 18, 1873 unsuccessful. S. O. 184 par 1 c.s. Post.


September 14. Sergeant James Brown, Company I 10th Cavalry, with 5 privates, cavalry, mounted, fully armed and equipped furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition per man and two days rations left post for the purpose of escorting two civilians to an insolated ranch on Rock Creek in S.W. corner of Jack County, being in the direction supposed to have been taken by the Indians who massacred Mr. Walker and son. S.O. 185 c.s. Post. Rejoined post September 16, 1873.


2nd Lieut. F. P. Reap, 10th Cavalry with one noncom officer and 4 privates, cavalry, mounted fully armed and equipped, furnished with 40 rounds of ammunition per man and one days rations left post for the purpose of pursuing escaped prisoner. S.O. 184 par 6 c.s. Post. Returned same day unsuccessful.


September 16. 1st Lieut. W. N. Gage, 11th Infantry with 2 noncom officers and 10 privates infantry fully armed and equipped, furnished with 40 rounds of ammunition per man and 16 days rations left post for Huntsville, Texas as guard to U.S. convicts, sentenced to confinement in Texas State Penitentiary, S.O. 187 par 1 c.s. Post. Rejoined post Septebr 30, 1873.


Corporal Palaick Cass, Company I 11th Infantry, with 6 privates infantry, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include September 21, 1873 left post for Fort Griffin, Texas as escort to contractors train. S.O. 187 par 3 c.s. Post. Rejoined post September 26, 1873.


September 21. Corporal Lewis Beadslie, Comp D 11th Infantry, with 4 privates infantry, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include Septbr. 25, 73 left post for Fort Griffin, Texas as escort to contractors train. S. O. 188 par 1 c.s. Post. Rejoined post September 29, 1873.


Private L. Love Comp K 11th Infantry fully armed and equipped furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition left post for Fort Griffin, Texas as escort to U.S. Mail. S.O. 188 par 4 c.s. Post. Returned September 27, 1873.


September 26. 1st Lieut. T. C. Leler 10th Cavalry with 1 noncom officer and 10 privates mounted, fully armed and equipped furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include Octbr 8, 1873 left post for Ft. Concho, Texas under special instruction from the Post Commander. S. O. 189 par 1 c.s. Post. Still absent.


Corporal Timothy Donovan, Co I 11th Infantry, with 6 privates infantry, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include September 30, 1873 left post for Fort Griffin, Texas, as escort to a public train. S. O. 189 par 3 c.s. Post. ­ Still absent.


September 28. Privates James P. Silsbee, Company I, 11th Infantry and John T. Armstrong, Comp D 11th Infantry fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition per man, left post for Fort Griffin, Texas, as escort to U.S. Mail. Still absent. S. O. 190 par 1 c.s. Post.


2nd Lieut. F. P. Reap, 10th Cavy with 1 non comm officer and 20 privates cavalry, mounted, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition per man and 8 days rations left post in pursuit of hostile Indians. Still absent. S.O. 190 par 4 c.s. Post.


Captain T. A. Baldwin and 2 Lieut C. B. Ward 10th Cavalry with all the available enlisted men of Company I 10th Cavalry mounted, fully armed and equipped furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition per man and 4 days rations left post in pursuit of hostile Indians. Returned September 30, 1873. Successful having recaptured nine head of horses from the Indians. S. O. 190 par 5 c.s. Post.


The scouting party under command of Captain T. A. Baldwin, 10th Cavalry, reported on last report as still absent rejoined post September 10, 1873.


The detail under charge of Sergeant Felix Cosgrove, Company D, 11th Infantry, reported on last report as still absent rejoined post September 9, 1873.


The detail under charge of 1st Lieut. Chas F. Ros 11th Infantry on duty with the O Niels surveying party, still absent as reported on previous reports.


October 31st, 1873

Personnel: 420


Record of Events


October 5. Seagt Zackary F. Ringison, Company D. 11th Infantry with 11 privates infantry, fully armed and equipped furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include October 11th 1873 left post for Fort Griffin, Texas as escort to Capt. Jacob Panlus [?], 25 Infantry, (enroute to join his company) ­ S.O. 195, para 1 c.s. Post. Rejoined post October 13, 1873.


Privates John Walker and Danile Harrison, Company H. 4 Cavy left sick in post hospital on the departure of their company was ordered to rejoin to Cat Paulus [?], 25th Infantry, and proceed to Fort Clark, Texas, thens to join their company. S. O. 195 par 2 c.s. Post.


October 6. Private James Murahen, Company C 11th Infantry, causally at this post, left post for the purpose of joining his company at Fort Sill, I.T. S.O. 196 par 2 c.s. Post.


October 8. Corporal Freeman E. Richardson, Company I 11th Infantry, with 6 privates, infantry, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition per man and 13 days rations left post for Fort Griffin, Texas as escort to Major E. D. Judd, Paymaster U.S.A. S.O. 197 par 3 c.s. Post. Returned October 13, 1873.


Private Thomas McGrans..., Company I 11th Infantry, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition, left post for Fort Griffin, Texas, as escort to U.S. Mail. S.O. 197, par 4 c.s. Post. Returned October 13, 1873.


October 10th. 1st Lieut. J. … Harrison, 10 Cavalry, with all the available officers and enlisted men of company E 10th Cavalry, left post in pursuit of hostile Indians. The command was mounted, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include Oct 21, 1873. S. O. 199 par 2. C.s. Post. Returned October 21, 1873 unsuccessful.


Information having been received that some horses were stolen today from several settlers on Carrolls Creek by a party of Indians, Capt Thomas Little, 10th Cavalry with all the available officers and enlisted men of Company L 10th Cavalry, left post in pursuit. Captain Little was ordered to make every effort to overtake and punish the marauders. The command was mounted, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition per man and 4 days rations carried in haversacks. S. O. 200 par 1 c.s. Post. Returned Octb. 13. 73 unsuccessful.


October 12. Private James McCalgan, Company K 11th Infantry, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition left post for Fort Griffin, Texas as escort to U.S. Mail. S.O. 201 par 4 c.s. Post. Returned October 18, 1873.


October 14. In compliance with instructions from Department Headquarters dated September 19, 1873, a detail of 1 corporal and 6 selected privates 10 Cavalry left post as escort to Major G. W. Schofield, 10th U. S. Cavalry, President of the Board for the purchase of cavalry horses. The detail was dismounted, fully armed and equipped and each man furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition and one complete set of horse equipment. S. O. 203 par 3 c.s. Post. Still absent.


October 14. Corporal Freeman E. Richardson, Company I 11th Infantry with 4 privates infantry, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include October 23, 1873 left post for Dallas, Texas for the purpose of bringing back one four mule team and spring wagon, furnished Major E. D. Judd, Paymaster U.S.A. as transportation for himself, clerk and funds, to Dallas, Texas. S.O. 204 par c.s. Post. Returned October 28th.


October 15. Private Mathew C. Pesler, company H, 11th Infantry, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition, left post for Fort Griffin, Texas to escort to U.S. Mail. S. O. 204 par 3 c.s. Post. Returned October 21, 1873.


Corporal James Smith, Company K 11th Infantry with 8 privates infantry, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition per man and 6 days rations left post for Fort Griffin, Texas, as escort to contractors train ­ S.O. 205 par 1 c.s. Post. Returned October 25, 1873.


In compliance with par 3 S.O. 182 c.s. Hdqrs Dept of Texas, Major D. B McKebbin, 10th U. S. Cavalry, left post for Fort Griffin, Texas, to take command of that post during the temporary absence of Lieut Col. George P. Buell, 11th U.S. Infantry. ­ S.O. 205 par 2, c.s. Post. ­ Still absent.


Sergeant William N. Togg, Company J 11th Infantry with 9 privates infantry and 1 private calvary mounted, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include October 17, 1873 left post for Fort Griffin, Texas, as escort to Major D. B. McKibbin, 10th Cavalry. S.O. 205 par 3 c.s. Post ­ Returned October 21st 1873.


October 17. Corporal James Murphy, Company H 11th Infantry with 4 privates, infantry fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition per man and 4 days rations, left post for Fort Griffin, Texas, as escort to contractors train. S.O. 206 par 1 c.s. Post. ­ Returned October 24, 1873.


October 19. Private Henry Dillon, Company D 11th Infantry, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds ammunition, left post for Fort Griffin, Texas as escort to U.S. Mail. ­ S.O. 207 c.s. Post. Returned October 25, 1873.


October 20. Information having been received that a large body of Indians were depredating in Wichita County and several cattle ranches had been attacked by them, that Gabacial [?] Nemming of Williams was wounded and ……… Ellison of Seaths [?] Ranch was killed by them, Captain T. A. Baldwin 10 Cavalry with all the available officers and enlisted men of Company S 10th Cavalry mounted, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition per man……………


October 22. Private Robert McC...ncey, Company D 11th Infantry, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition left post for Fort Griffin, Texas, as escort U.S. Mail. ­ S.O. 208 par 1 c.s. Post. Returned October 28, 1873.


1st Lieut Ira Quinly R.U.M. 11th Infantry, Post Quartermaster, left post for Denison, Texas for the purpose of purchasing the 20000 feet of pine lumber, authorized in letter from Quartermaster General Office, dated Washington, D.C. Sept 10, 1873. ­ S.O. 209 par 2 c.s. Post. Still absent.


Corporal Philip N. Hale and 4 privates infantry, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include November 3, 1873 left post as escort to 1 Lieut Ira Quinly, R. U. M. 11th Infantry. Post Quartermaster to Denison, Texas. ­ S.O. 209 par 3 c.s. Post. Still absent.


October 24. Upon the application of the U.S. Marshal for assistance to escort a large herd of horses, recently stolen from the Commanche Indians on the reservation near Fort Sill, I.T, 2nd Lieut. C. R. Ward, 10th Cavalry with 2 noncommissioned officers and 8 privates cavalry, left post for the purpose of sending marshal such assistance as might be necessary to effect the recovery of the horses and the arrest of the thieves. ­ The command was mounted, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition per man and 4 days rations carried in haversacks. ­ S.O. 212 par 2 c.s. Post. Returned October 27, 1873 successful, having recovered 10 head of horses.


October 26. Private Robert Fualong Company L, 11th Infantry, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition, left post for Fort Griffin, Texas as escort to U.S. Mail. ­ S.O. 213. c.s. Post. Still absent.


October 27. Corporal James Brady, Company D, 11th Infantry with 6 privates infantry, fully armed and equipped furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include


October 31, 1873 left post for Fort Griffin, Texas as escort to contractors train. ­ S.O. 214 par 2. c.s. Post ­ Still absent.


October 28. Sergt Pehen Fuller, Company L, 10th Cavalry, with 5 privates, cavalry, mounted, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition per man and 5 days rations, left post for the purpose of escorting the U.S. Marshal in taking to Fort Sill I.T. ten horses recently stolen from the Indian Reservation near that post and recaptured by the detachment under command of 2 Lieut. C.R. Ward, 10th Cavalry. ­ S.O. 214 par 3 c.s. Post ­ Still absent.


Corporal James Gugendy, Company L, 11 Infantry, with 4 privates, infantry, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition per man and 5 days rations left post for Fort Griffin, Texas as escort to contractors train. S.O. 215 par 2 c.s. Post. Still absent.


Sergeant Charles Heyes, Company D, 10th Cavalry, with 9 privates, cavalry, mounted, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition per man and two days rations carried n haversacks, left post for the purpose of patroling the road between this post and Salt Creek. S.O. 215 par 3 c.s. Post. ­ Returned Octbr 31, 1873.


October 20. Private George Hiller, Company L, 11th Infantry, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition, left post for Fort Griffin, Texas as escort to the U.S. Mail. ­ S. O. 215 par 1 c.s. Post. Still absent.


October 31. 2nd Lieut. C. R. Ward, 10 Cavalry with one noncommissioned officer and 9 privates cavalry, left post for the purpose of assisting the Deputy U.S. Marshall in taking to Fort Sill I.T. one William T. Jackson, a citizen who recently stole a lot of horses from the Commanche Indians on their reservation near Fort Sill, I.T. The command was mounted, fully armed and equipped furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition per man and 5 days rations. S.O. 216 par 2 c.s. Post. Still absent.


The detail under charge of Corporal Timothy Donoran, Company L, 11th Infantry reported on last return as still absent rejoined post October 4, 1873.


Private James Selsbee escort to U.S. Mail reported on last return as still absent rejoined post October 4, 1873.


Captains A. L. Sherman and Jason Jackson, 11th Infantry, on duty as member of the General Court Martial convened per S.O. 163 par 1 c.s. Hdqrs Department of Texas reported on last return as still absent rejoined post October 6, 1873.


The detail under charge of 1st Lieut. T. C. Laks 10th Cavalry reported on last return as still absent rejoined post October 18, 1873.


The detail under charge of 2 Liut T P. Rear 10 Cavalry reported on last return as absent rejoined post October 1, 1873.


The detail under charge of 1st Lieut. Ohas [?] F. Roe, 11 Infantry, reported on previous returns as still absent rejoined post October 23, 1873.


Company B, 11th Infantry, on duty as escort with Engineer Corps of the Fort Worth and Denver R.R. camp still absent as reported on last return.


June 8, 1974

Personnel: 524


Record of Events


May 2. Sergeant William Togy Comp. I 11 Infantry with 8 privates infantry, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 60 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include the 10th inst left post for Fort Griffin, Texas as escort to contractors train. S. O. 83 c.s. Post. Returned May 10, 1874.


May 3. Capt. T. A. Baldwin, 10 Cavy, with 1 N.C. officer and 6 prvts cavy mounted, fully armed and equipped furnished with 40 rounds of ammunition per man and 5 days rations, left post in pursuit of deserters. S.O. 84 c.s. Post. Returned May 5,74. Successful.


May 5. 1 Lieut. T. J. Spenser 10 Cavy with 5 N.C. officers and 18 privates cavalry dept post for Dallas, Texas for the purpose of conducting cavalry horses, purchased by the Board of Officers of which Major J. K. Meijner is president from Dallas to this post. The detail was dismounted, fully armed and equipped, each man furnished with 60 rounds of ammunition, one completed set of horse equipment and rations to include the 20 inst. S. O. 56 par 1 c.s. Post. Returned May 14, 1874.


May 6. Private Patrick Madden, Comp. K. 11 Infantry, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition left post for Fort Griffin, Texas as escort to U.S. Mail. S.O. 86 pear 14 c.s. Post. Returned May 12, 1874.


May 8. Sergeant Timothy Donovan, Comp I 11 Infantry, with 9 privates infantry, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 60 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include the 17 …. left post for Fort Griffin, Texas as escort to contractors train. S.O. 58. c.s. Post. Returned May 19, 1874.


May 10. Corporal Reilary T. Oliver, Comp. K. 11 Infantry with 8 prvts infantry fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include the 19 inst, left post for Fort Griffin, Texas, as escort to contractors train. S. O. 89 par 2. c.s. Post. Returned May 23, 1874.


May 13. Private James Malone, Comp I 11 Infantry, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition left post for Fort Griffins, Texas as escort to U.S. Mail. S.O. 91 c.s. Post. Returned May 19, 1874.


May 16. 2 Lieut. A. P. Reap, 10 Cavy with 3 N. C. officers and 18 privates cavalry left post for Dallas, Texas for the purpose of conducting cavalry horses purchased by the Board of Officers of which Major J. H. Meizner 4 Cavalry is president, from Dallas to this post. The detail was fully armed and equipped, dismounted, each man furnished with 60 rounds of ammunition, one complete set of horse equipment and rations to include the 27 incl. S.O. 93. c.s. Post. Returned May 25, 1874.


May 19. Sergeant William Waikel, Comp B. 11 Infantry with 7 prvts infantry fully armed and equipped, furnished with 60 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include May 27, 1874 left post for Fort Griffin, Texas as escort to the contractors train. S.O. 95 par 1. c. .s. Post. Returned May 31, 1874.


2 Lieut C. R. Ward, 10 Cavry with 1 N. C. officer and two privates cavalry dismounted, fully armed and equipped furnished with 60 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include the 31 inst left post for Dallas, Texas for the purpose of conducting to this post horses purchased by the Board of Officers of which Major J. H. Meigner is president. S. O. 95 pear 3 c.s. Post. Returned May 25, 1874.


Seageant John Jones, Comp C. 10 Cavry with 6 prvts cavy mounted, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 60 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include the 23d inst. left post as escort to Lieut. C. R. Ward, 10 Cavy for one days march toward Weatherford, Texas. S. O. 95 par 4 c.s. Post. Returned May 22, 1874.


1. Lieut. T. C. Lekoy, 10 Cavy with 1 N. C. officer and 5 prvts cavy and 1 corpl infantry mounted, fully armed and equipped and furnished with 60 rounds of ammunition per man and 3 days rations, left post in pursuit of a deserter. S. O. 95 par 5 c.s. Post. Returned May 21, 1874 successful.


May 20. Private William Miller, Comp. K, 11 Infantry fully armed and equipped, furnished with …. rounds of ammunition left post for Fort Griffin, Texas as escort to U.S. Mail. S. O. 95, par 2 c.s. Post. Returned May 24, 1874.


May 21. 1. Lieut. W. N. Sage, 11 Infantry with 1 N.C. officer and 3 prvts cavry fully armed and equipped, furnished with 60 rounds of ammunition per man and 4 days rations, left post in pursuit of a deserter. S.O. 97 par 1. c.s. Post. Returned May 22, 1874 unsuccessful.


May 23. In having been informed that a man had been killed by Indians on Salt Creek, Texas, Sergeant Peter Haines, Comp L. 10 Cavy with 10 privates cavy, mounted, fully armed and equipped furnished with 60 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include the 27 inst. left post for Salt Creek, Texas for the purpose of ascertaining the truth of this report. S.O. 99, par 1 c.s. Post. Returned May 25, 1874.


May 25. 1 Lieut T. A. Spenser 10 Cavy with 3 N.C. officers and 20 privates cavy left post for Fort Sill, I. T. for the purpose of conducting to that post 50 unassigned cavy horses. The detail was fully armed and equipped, furnished with 60 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include the 31 inst. S. O. 100 par 2. c.s. Post. Still absent.


Privates Chas. Key, Co. E and Lamuel Lonaat Comp. L. 10 Cavy, mounted, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 60 rounds of ammunition per man and 5 days rations, left post for Palo Pinto Co., Texas, with dispatches for the sergeant in charge of escort to surveying party T. and P. R.R. S.O. 100 par 3. c.s. Post. Still absent.


May 26. 1 Lieut. T. A. Leko 10 Cavy with 3 noncom officers and 49 prvts cavy, dismounted, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 60 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include the 30 incl. left post for Fort Griffin, Texas for the purpose of conducting to this post 100 unassigned calvary horses. S. O. 100 par 4 c.s. Post. Still absent.


May 31. 1 Lieut. W. N. Sage, 11 Infantry with 1 N. C. officer and 6 prvts infantry, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 60 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include June 8, 1874 left post for Dallas, Texas as escort to Major E. D. Judd, Paymaster U.S.A. S.O. 100 c.s. Post. Still absent.


The escort under 1 Lieut. T. C. Lebr 10 Cavy to Jefferson, Texas, reported last report as still absent, rejoined post May 8, 1874.


The escort to Major J. K. Mizner … Pres. of the Board for the purchase of cavy horses, reported on last return as still absent, rejoined post May 25, 1874.


The detail under charge of Corpl. Joel Dunkel Co. B. 11 Infantry, escort to contractors train, reported last return as still absent, rejoined post May 1, 1874.


The detail under chare of 2 Lieut. C. R. Ward 10 Cavy reported on last return as still absent rejoined post May 4, 1874.


Private Christ Tofsay, Comp B. 11 Infantry escort to U. S. Mail reported on last return as still absent, rejoined post May 5, 1874.


Company B 11 Infantry on duty with Lieut Co. Davidson 10 Cavy still absent as reported on previous returns.


Escorts to surveying parties T and P. R.R. still absent as reported on pervious returns.



February 9th, 1875

Personnel: 716


Record of Events.


January 2nd. Seagt Edward Townsend, Co. E., 10 Cavy, with one prvt cavalry mounted fully armed and equipped furnished with 60 rounds of ammunition per man and 21 days rations left post for Fort Griffin, Texas for the purpose of carrying dispatches to that post. Returned January 8. 75. S.O. 3. par 1. c..s. Post.


January 6th. Company L, 4 Cavy, which has formed part of the expedition operating against hostile Indians under command of Col R. J. Mackenzie, 4 Cav joined post pursuant to S.O. us 1 Hdqrs, …… B…. ….. Toubheaw [?] column, Decbr 29. 74 and letter from Headqrs Dept of Texas dated Fort Sill, I. T. Decbr 5, 74.


January 8th. Seagt John Jones, Company E 10 Cavalry with one pvt cavy, mounted, fully armed and equipped furnished with 60 rounds of ammunition per man and 2 days rations, left post for Fort Griffin, Texas for the purpose of carrying dispatch to that post. S. O. No. 6, par 2 c. s. Post. Returned January 14, 1875.


January 12. Company H. H. and J. 4 Cavalry, having formed part of the expedition operating against hostile Indians under command of Col. R. J. Mackenzie, 4 Cavry joined post pursuant to telegraphic instructions from Hdqrs Dept of Texas Dated Decbr 30. 74.


January 14. Companies F and L 10 Cavry left post today for Fort Concho, Texas in accordance with telegraphic instruction from Hdqs Dept of Texas dated Decbr 20. 74.


January 16. 2. Lieut. George T. R. Brown 11 Inftry, with a detail of one Non commissioned officer and 9 prvts inftry, fully armed and equipped furnished with 60 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include the 31 inch left Post for Denison, Texas for the purpose of escorting Major E. D. Judd, Paymaster U.S.A. from that place to this Post. S. O. 12 c.s. Post. Returned January 27, 75.


January 21. Information having been received from Capt E M …[?] feyl, 4 Cavy President of the Board for the purchase of cavalry horses that 50 horses are ready to return to this post. 2 Lieut J. H. Donat [?], 4 Cavry with 3 noncom officers and 20 prvts cavalry, left post for Dallas, Texas for the purpose of conducting said horses from there to this post. The detail was dismounted, fully armed and equipped and was furnished with one complete set of horse equipment 60 rounds of ammunition and rations to include February 3. 75. S. O. 17 par 1. c.s. Post. Still absent.


Privates Walter Franklin and Robert P. Flawlby, Co. L. 10 Cavy mounted, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 60 rounds of ammunition per man and 2 days rations left post for Fort Griffin, Texas for the purpose of carrying dispatc

paragraph 1. c.s. Post. Returned January 25, 1875.


Company E 11 Cavry, reported on previous returns as still absent in the field, rejoined post January 9th 1875.


The detail acting as escort to the Board of Officers for the purchase of cavalry horses in …… by para 8 Headquarters Dept of Texas … 74 still absent as reported on last return.


Company I 24 Infantry, attached to the post escorting train for the construction of military telegraph on western frontier of Texas still absent as reported on previous returns.


March 8th, 1875

Personnel: 741


Civilian Employees Quartermasters Department

One Guide at $75 per month $75.00

One Wheelwright 60 “ “ $60.00

Total monthly compensation $135.00

Record of Events


February 3. 1 Lieut W. N. Sage, 11 Infantry with a detail of 2 non com officers and 10 privates infantry fully armed and equipped, furnished with 60 rounds of ammunition per man and 5 days rations, left post for Fort Griffin, Texas, as escort to Major E. D. Judd, Paymaster U.S. A. to that place and return. S.O. 25. c.s Post. Returned Feby 12, 75.


February 7th. Lieut Lewis Warrington, 4 Cavy, with an escort consisting of detachments of Cos C E G M 4 Cavy now at this post, (2 N.C.O. and 15 Privates) left post for Fort Concho, Texas for the purpose of conducting to this post 50 horses for the 4th Cavy. Owing to the incomplete equipment of the above mentioned detachments, an additional escort of 1 non com officer and 10 privates, cavalry, dismounted, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 60 rounds of ammunition and one complete set of horse equipment per man, were detailed to assist in conducting these horses to Fort Concho. The whole detail was rationed to include the 22 not. S.O. 28. c.s. Post. Still absent.


Reliable information having been received that a party of desperadoes were on the road between the post and Weatherford, Texas, for the purpose of waylaying and murdering Mr. Harry Strong, post guide, Sergt W. Foster, Co. F, 4th Cavy with 8 prvt cavy, left post for Weatherford, Texas for the purpose of escorting Mr. Strong from there to this post. The detail was mounted and fully armed and equipped, furnished with 60 rounds of ammunition per man and 4 days rations. S. O. 29. c.s. Post. Returned February 9th 1875.


February 10th. Private Charles Burton, Co. E, 11 Inf. fully armed and equipped, furnished with 100 rounds of ammunition, left Post for Fort Griffin, Texas, as escort to U. S. Mail. S. O. 31 c.s. Post. Returned Feb 28, 1875.


February 12th. Sergt Alex Fahr, Co E. 11 Inf with 4 privates infantry, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 60 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include the 21 int left post for Fort Griffin, Texas, as escort to contractors train consisting of three wagons and teams. S. O. 34, par. 1. c.s. Post. Still absent.


February 13th. Capt. Jos. Conrad, 11 Inf, having been detailed as member of the Gen Ct. Marshal instituted in S. O. 17 par. 2 c.s. Hdqrs Dept. of Tex to meet at Ft. Sill. I. L. left Fort with a detail of 1 N.C. Off. and 12 prvts, inftry, to act as escort to Maj. E. D. Judd, Paym. U.S.A. enroute to Ft. Sill. I. T. S.O. 34 par 1 c.s. Post. Still absent.


February 21. In compliance with instructions contained in letter from Hdqrs Dept of Texas, dated Febr 13. 75, 2 Lt. M. Leeper Jr, 4 Cavy, with his Comp I, 4 Cav and 9 pvts H, 4 Cavy, mounted, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 60 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include March 7. 75 left post for Denison, Texas for the purpose of receiving and conducting to this post 150 for the 4th U.S. Cavalry. S. O. 39, par 2. c.s. Post. Still absent.


Capt. J. A. Wilcox, 4 Cavy with 2 Lt. H. H. Bellas, 1 Non com off and 9 pvts Co C, 4 Cavy, arrived this day at the Post S. O. 7, para 1. c.s., Hdqrs Dept of Texas.


February 26. Capt. J. A. Wilcox, 2 Lt. H. H. Bellas, 1 non comm off and 6 pvts Co C. 4 Cavy, left post this day for Fort Concho, Texas, in compliance with S. O. No. 7 par 1 c.s. Department of Texas. S. O. 41 par 3. c.s. Post.


The detail under command of 2 Lieut. J. H. Doret, 4 Cavy, escorting horses to this post, reported on last return as still absent rejoined post Febr. 5. 1875.


The detail acting as escort to the Board of Affrs for the purchase of cavy horses, inst. by par 3 S.O. 191, Hdqrs Dept of Tex 1874. Still absent as reported on previous returns.


Company G, 24 Infantry, attached to the post escorting train for the construction of mil. telegraph on western frontier of Tex. Still absent as reported on previous returns.


September 10, 1876

Personnel: 247


Record of Events


August 1st. 2 Liut. Geo. Les Brown, 11th Infantry with a detail consisting of two noncom officers and 5 privates infantry, fully armed and equipped, provided with 60 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include the 5h instant left post today for Fort Griffin, Texas, as escort to Major C. J. Wilson, Paymaster U.S. A. enroute to that post. S. O. 78 para 1. c.s. Post. Returned August 5, 1876.


August 2nd. 2. Liut A. L. Meyer, 11th Infantry with 2 privates infantry mounted, fully armed and equipped provided with 40 rounds of ammunition per man, left post today in pursuit of deserters. S.O. 79, para 2, c.s. Post. Returned August 3, 76, successful.


August 7th. Sergeant Alexander Fahr, Company E, and Prvt John J. Salsberry, Comp B, 11th Infantry, fully armed and equipped, provided with 40 rounds of ammunition per man and with commodities of rations for four (4) days, left post today for Fort Worth, Texas, as escort to Major C. J. Wilson, Paymaster U.S. Army, returning to that …. from …... S. O. 82, c.s. Post. Returned August 10th, 1876.


August 9th. 2 Lieut. A. L. Meyer, 11th Infantry , with one private infantry, fully armed and equipped, provided with 40 rounds of ammunition, left post to day for the purpose of conducting Private James A. Aleos, Company B, 7th Calvary, sentenced to confinement in the Fort Leavenworth Mil Prison to that place. S. O. 83, par 1, c.s. Post. Returned August 17th, 1876.


2 Lieut. R. W. Hoys, 11th Infantry, with two privates infantry, fully armed and equipped, and provided with 40 rounds of ammunition per man, left post today in pursuit of a deserter. S. O. 84, cs. Post. Returned August 10th, 1876, unsuccessful.


August 14th. In compliance with telegraphic instructions from Headquarters Department of Texas, dated August 11th, 1876, Companies E and K 11th Infantry, Captain A. A. Wikoff Commanding, left post today for Yaukson, Dak via Fort Worth, Texas for field service. S. O. 86 para 8, cs. Post. Still absent.


Sergeant Max Alichalis and 3 privates Company B, 11th Infantry, fully armed and equipped, furnished with 60 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include the 22nd incl. left post to day for the purpose of escorting the transportation furnished to Companies E and K. 11th Infantry to Fort Worth, Texas, from that place to Dallas, Texas, load the wagon there with lumber belonging to the Q. M. D. and returning with the same to this post. S.O. 86, par 8, cs. Post. Returned August 24, 1876.


Acting Assistant Surgeon G. W. Hatch, U.S.A. left post to day for the purpose of accompanying Co’s E and K 11th Infantry to Yaukson, Dakota, SO 86, par 9, cs. Post.


August 15th. Post Chaplain B. L. Baldridge, U.S.A. arrived this day to the post in compliance with S.O. 146 par 2, cs. Dept Texas.


August 27th. Company I, 10th Cavalry arrived this day at the post from Fort Concho, Texas in compliance with S. O. Mo. 151, par 2 cs. Dept of Texas.


August 29th In compliance with S. O. No. 154, pra 2, cs. Headqrs Dept of Texas, Company “B” 11th Infantry Captain Joseph Conrad Commanding, left post today for Yaukson, Dakota, via Fort Worth, Texas for field service. S. O. 92, par 8, cs. Post. Still absent.


Sergeant J. Johnson and … W. Roobs [?] Co I 10th Cavalry fully armed and equipped, furnished with 60 rounds of ammunition per man and rations to include September 6th 76 left post today for Fort Worth, Tex. for the purpose of bringing back to this post the transportation furnished by “B” 11th Infantry to that place. S. O. 92, par 8, c.s. Still absent.


April 30, 1877

Personnel: 105


Record of Events.


April 4. Lance Corpl Gibson and 2 privates Co I 10th Cavalry fully loaded and equipped furnished with 40 rounds of ammunition per man and ten days rations with one six mule team left post for duty in repairing telegraph line between this post and Graham City, Tex. SO 25 cs Post Returned Apl 6, 77. April 6 ­ Private William Johnson Co I 10th Cav fully armed and equipped furnished with 40 rounds of ammunition and seven days rations left post with spring wagon for Ft. Worth Tex to await the arrival at that place of Lt. Col Davidson 10th Cav & bring that officer to the post. S.O. 26 c.s. Post. Returned Apl 12-77 ­ April 10 ­ Upon the application of Lt. Grimes, Signal Officer, Sergt James Cox with 9 privates Co. I 10th Cav fully armed & equipped dismounted furnished with 40 rounds of ammunition per man & 20 days rations with one six mule train left post as working party on telegraph line between this place & Dekatur TX. This party was recalled on the 20 Apl and a similar detail in charge of Corpl Bodda ­ I 10th Cav was sent out which is still absent. S.O. 27 c.s. Post. April 22 Lance Corpl Gibson Co. “I” 10th Cav fully armed and equipped furnished with 40 rounds ammunition and seven days rations left post for Ft. Worth Tex in charge of spring wagon to be exchanged at that place by one from San Antonio Texas. Corpl Gibson returned on Apl 27, 1877.


June 30th 1877

Personnel: 105


Record of Events


June 1st. Detail reported absent last return under charge of 2nd Lieut. Jas. S. Jowtt, 10th Cav in pursuit of a deserter, returned to post June 1st without accomplishing their object.


June 4th. Capt J. A. Baldwin, 11th Cav with a detachment of 40 enlisted of his Co (I) fully armed and equipped and carrying 25 days subsistence and _ forage for the animals, left post and ordered to travel by the head of V..anderer’s Creek to points along the south bank of Red River to near its intersection with the 100th meridian with the object of cutting any Indian passing in or out of Texas and to follow and arrest [?] them ­ to afford needful protection to settlers, or persons engaged in legitimate trade along the line of march or adjacent to it ­ and to make report of the settlement of the country; also to break up any traffic that may be found in arms or ammunition to Indians ­ S.O. 2 c.s. Hdqrs Dist. Upper Brazos ­ The detachment returned post June 29th having marched 487 miles.


June 23nd. Asst Surg. G. W. Adair U.S.A. and 2nd Lt. J. S. Jouett 10th Cav left post for Fort Griffin, Tex. as members of ………. reconvened at that post. S.O. 51 C.S. Post. Returned June 27th.


June 28th. Flag flying at post this day for the first time in its history ­ Flag staff provided and erected by labor of troops.


June 30th. A detachment of one non-commissioned officers and ten privates, fully armed and equipped with 40 rounds of ammunition, 5 days rations and same [?] days forage per man proceed to Decanter, Texas to assist Mr. J. C. Sherman, Deputy Collector U.S. Int Rev (on his …. in capturing an illicit distillery in Montague County, Texas. S.O. 52 c.s. Post. Detachment still absent.


September 30, 1878

Personnel: 86


Record of Events.

Sept 10. Lt. Col. J. W. Davidson and 2nd Lt. Ja. S. Jowtt, 10th Cav left post for Fort Griffins, Texas as Members of General Court Martial Command at that post per S.O. 155 c.s. Dept of Texas returned post Sept 16th.


Sept 28. Detachment reported absent on last return on Scouting Expedition under command of Capt F. A. Baldwin, 10th Cavalry, returned to post having marched 658 _ miles.


Sept. 25. 2nd Lt J. S. Jowtt, 10 Cav with a detachment of two non-commissioned officers and twenty three privates of E I 10th Cav left post to form part of expedition under command of Capt P. L. Lee, 10th Cav to proceed from Fort Griffin to stop a party of hostile Indians reported to be on the Staked Plains ­ S.O. No. 5, c.s. District of the Upper Brazos ­ Still absent.


January 19, 1878

Personnel: 80


Record of Events.

Company “E” 10th Infantry, left San Antonio, Texas January 7, 1878, and arrived at Fort Richardson, Texas January 16th, 1878, distance traveled by rail 508 miles, Marched from Fort Worth to Fort Richardson 68 miles, Total distance 576 miles, S.O. No 221, par VII, Dept of Texas 1877.


Company “I” 10th Cavalry left Fort Richardson, Texas enroute to Fort Sill, I.T. January 19, 1878, S.O. No. 221, par VII, Dept of Texas 1877.


Lieut. Col. J. W. Davidson, 10th Cavalry, left for Fort Sill, January 19, 1878, S.O. No. 9, c.s. Dept of Texas.


May 23, 1898

Personnel: 47


Record of Events.

The sale of government property a this post took place May 1st and 2nd 1878.   The troops at this post were paid on the March and April muster rolls, May 20, 1878 by checks from Major W. E. Bates, Paymaster, U.S. Army from San Antonio, Texas.


The post is this day abandoned under special order No. 67, par 3, Headquarters Department of Texas, ……… and the troops marched for Fort Griffin, Texas.




Post abandoned and troops left for Fort Griffin S.O. 67 par 3 , D.T. 78. A…. of 1 corporal and 3 men left at post for shipping purposes and ….. left behind for like purposes.